Republican men seem to think wives control their husbands’ penises and women can’t decide consent for themselves. And it bugs the fuck out of me. 

1) Hillary is not Bill, nor is she responsible for his penis.

2) Monica does not see herself as a victim and if she doesn’t, why should a fat fuckface intent on pushing the patriarchy in society b/c he has no real power himself tell her she should.

3) How it ever ok to talk about sexually assaulting women? Why do republicans politicize sexual assault?

4) Why are ugly men the meanest?

Real sex vs. Porn

I have an uneasy relationship with porn.  I’m a highly visual person and I love seeing sexual images of all types (I don’t buy that women aren’t very visual – I buy that women are taught to be ashamed of liking sexual images).  But I do know that a lot of women who are in porn are not there purely by choice.  It’s a messy industry.  Anyway, this post isn’t really about that.  But I guess I start almost all discussions about porn with my conflict about it…

I’ve meant to write about some of the generational differences I’ve noticed in men since my dating pool that I consider ranges from about 25-50.  The pool I’ve had sex with in recent history has been 26-44.  So, between talking to guys in the 25 year age range pool and having sex with an obviously (much) smaller subset, I have noticed some generational differences that can’t purely be dismissed as coming with more years of having sex.

One of those differences is the impact of porn on what men expect sex to be like.  While, I think basically all men (and most women) in that range watch some kind of porn now, the older guys didn’t grow up with porn being readily accessible at any time, any place.  The unfortunate side effect of porn on demand is that there are a lot of younger guys who think hard, sustained pounding is all it takes to please a woman.  They don’t appreciate that variation in speed, intensity, teasing, etc, is all part of the fun.  That isn’t to say some haven’t figured it out.  But they are the exception. But many men seem to think that bragging about pounding me for hours is exciting…

Now, I have a lot of stamina.  And I can go for hours. But if it’s the same thing over and over, I’m just going to be bored at some point.  I think this is where men who had to figure out how to fuck without internet porn have an advantage.  They do know how to mix it up.

So I wonder if there is any good that comes from constant access to porn…I’m not sure.  I do think there are things younger guys are much better about than older men (that are generational differences, not just physical differences in age)…and I’ll try to put up topical posts on those things.

But if anyone has thoughts on whether a constant stream of porn is actually a good thing, I’d be interested.